The Bayu, Kirby Roper
Past Event

Can Artificial Intelligence make Architectural Homes more Accessible to more People?


Thu 25 May 3:30pm - 5:00pm
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The Australian Institute of Architects
The Australian Institute of Architects, Exhibition Street, Melbourne VIC, Australia


Seating available

Architecturally designed homes provide a level of quality that is unmatched in the housing market. However, acquiring such a home is often out of reach for many people. The panel discussion explores a different method of delivering architecture. Can Artificial Intelligence make architectural homes more accessible to more people?

“We believe that AI has the potential to revolutionise the way we design and acquire architecturally designed homes” —  Kirby Roper, the Founder of @home – a digital platform trying to connect architects with people. “By making these homes more accessible, we can create a more equitable housing market and improve the overall quality of housing.”

The panel discussion features experts in the field of architecture and digital technologies, who will share their insights on the topic. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about the latest developments in AI and how they can be applied to the field of architecture.


Kirby Roper

Kirby Roper has been an architect for over 25 years and has recently founded @home to raise the quality of affordable Australian housing by radically simplifying the pathway to an architect-designed home. Kirby wants to both give more people the opportunity to come home and feel @home and elevate the role architects play in the design and construction process of homes and help them reach more people. Kirby is the secretary for the Association of Architects where she hopes to encourage the profession to share more, mentor the next generation and assist practices to approach new methods to meet the ongoing and evolving challenges that are ahead. The creation of @home captures this by offering higher quality, more sustainable, more adaptable, and healthier homes to a larger portion of society. As a co-chair of the Sustainable Architects Forum (SAF), Kirby is also very passionate about environmental sustainability and has been involved in Rewilding Stonnington reintroducing indigenous and endemic plants back to Stonnington.

Dr. Peter Raisbeck

Practice at the Melbourne School of Design University of Melbourne. Since 2006 he has been at Melbourne University teaching Architectural Design and Practice, Design Activism, and Contemporary Architectural Archives. He has published around 80 book chapters, journals, and conference papers. His work and research outputs broadly span the architectural profession, its history, professional politics, and future prospects. He has an abiding interest in the reception and development of information technologies in architecture. His book, Architecture as a System: Scavengers, Tribes, Warlords and Megafirms, published in 2019 is a major contribution to the understanding of the convergence between global finance architectural design and practice. His book, Architects, Sustainability and the Climate Emergency: A Political Ecology was published in 2022.

Evan Harridge

Evan Harridge is a technologist, inventor, investor, and builder of technology-driven start-up companies. Evan has been working in Australia with both start-up companies and large global enterprises to build new technology-driven products. Evan has been working with @home to help develop and scale their existing architectural platform.

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